“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
-William Pitt, in 1783
"People only accept change when they are faced with necessity, and only recognize necessity when a crisis is upon them."
-Jean Monnet in "Memoirs" (1978)
Necessity (criminal law)
The keys to appreciating the significance of communitarianism and communitarian law are...
Individual rights are always balanced/harmonized with the supposed rights of the community-at-large. Which is to say that communitarians believe rights simply cannot exist unaccompanied by duties and responsibilities.
So-called reflexive laws (“soft” laws) create burdensome barriers to entry into the marketplace for start-up businesses, entrepreneurs, and do-it-yourselfers. They can change at the drop of a hat, from one year to the next. And they are very often subject to arbitrary or capricious interpretation and enforcement. These laws are deliberately designed so that the pervasive sense is that the individual is incapable of making a decision without consulting his jailers. Environmental and land use laws… potential violations… of copyright, trademark, and/or patent privileges/protections… “community” standards… codes, restrictions, rules, ordinances, regulations, statutes and the like… all work in tandem to create indecisiveness… while choking economic activity to death.
Nation-states are rendered obsolete in a system of communitarian governance. As their functions are replaced by the global-to-local, now globalized, [so-called] market and/or bio- security state. This, in turn, is giving rise to the densely populated, tech-driven SMART city, and the regionalized city-state.
Hope this helps. If you care to discuss further… just holler. I welcome the conversation. More to come.
Weaponizing the language closes the doors of human perception. Political correctness is only one such example. Today philosophers and theologians (religio-philosophers), scientists and legal theorists; social, cultural, political, economic, and behavioral theorists [would be philosopher-kings and academicians] too – all conspire to enslave the mind and to govern human action in the name of humanity… or science… and community.
These priests of the mind speak of the precautionary principle, then they speak of noblesse oblige, all the while citing their erudition and mere attempts to do good by others.
They insist it is their responsibility to protect us… from ourselves.
When such doors are systematically and cumulatively closed, enslavement of the mind – of each and every man, woman, and child born into this material/spiritual plane of existence – just tippy-toes right on in!
Thus, Man can literally volunteer him- or herself into slavery.
Please note: Involuntary slavery is illegal; whereas voluntary slavery has never been made illegal. Witness the communitarians’ enchantment today with volunteerism...
... Such a phenomenon is not nearly the same as voluntaryism.
Yet, it is voluntary servitude which is very often communitarian policy… writ large.
Is this all in keeping with some spurious attempt to deny other men free will? Is this some well-meaning, yet misguided, attempt to deny Man his connection to God and to unalienable rights*? To Logos? Is yearning to be free now thought somehow untenable? A lost cause? This is often what happens - and will happen - when the open doors of perception are closed. Man will have enslaved himself while consigning future generations to the same slavery he has himself unwittingly proscribed… as this generation’s Final Solution… today.
So, to clarify, modern slavery in a communitarian world is brought about slowly through a subtle imposition of coercion and force. It springs from the cold hearts and addled minds of thoroughly misguided, yes, laughingly fallible, men.
*Rights which cannot be traded away. As opposed to inalienable rights – those which can be traded away.
The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
Two Overarching Communitarian Policy Objectives:
Depopulation and
The two overarching objectives of global-to-local communitarian governance are (1) depopulation and (2) technoslavery.
“It was, indeed, the Age of Information; but information was not the precursor to knowledge; it was the tool of the salesman.”
-Earl Shorris, A Nation of Salesmen
DEPOPULATION is a stand-alone euphemism for TOTAL WAR. In order to effect a "soft kill" [genocide] of the human population. The elimination of the old in order to usher in the new. Examples of which are psychological, asymmetric, nonlinear, cybernetic, biological, cultural, spiritual, [socio-]economic, and memetic* engineering... aka warfare… extending to cyber and chemical warfare... lawfare... and more.
The so-called GRIN technologies – Genetics, Robotics, Information, and Nanotech – figure prominently.
What is genocide?
The Ten Stages of Genocide
About Lawfare: A Brief History of the Term...
What is a SLAPP?
SLAPP = Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation
Understanding Anti-SLAPP Laws
The 3 A's spring to mind - Amnesia, Abulia, and Apathy. With Amnesia, the collective memory dies. Abulia is the conditioned loss of will. And Apathy signifies our lack of concern or care. All three A's will eventually lead to our subjugation, our acculturation**... and, yes... even our suicide.
Inter alia, these three things will likewise lead us to an eventual state of anomie... then into a state of "learned helplessness."
(See: anomie; Emile Durkheim: Suicide (1897); Martin Seligman)
"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships.
Your technological and biological distinctiveness will be added to
our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
-Star Trek (Hollywood movie)
TECHNOSLAVERY speaks to AI, the Information Age, and Big Data - the Internet of Things/Bodies.
Technologies are simply tools, examples of which are man-made contrivances (like language itself)… like any/all utilitarian (utile; useful) devices/instruments/toys [like $$$]... along with SMART everything.
S M A R T criteria
S.M.A.R.T. = Self Monitoring [of] Analysis [and] Reporting Technology
S.M.A.R.T. = Scalable Measures Automated [for] Recognition Technologies
S.M.A.R.T. = Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology
S.M.A.R.T. = Sustainability Mobility Affordability Resiliance Technology
Institutionalized slavery... devolves to a social contract... which fosters and promotes a relationship… in which the human population unwittingly volunteers itself into perpetual servitude... to the <ahem> "community." Hence, techno-slavery is totalitarian rule by "enlightened" scientists... priests of the mind... and, oh yes... all those friggin' [self-serving] experts too!
COMMUNITARIANISM. So, lest we forget. It calls for a scientific dictatorship, y'all. You know... of the community! 🤗
“Potent memes can change minds, alter behavior, catalyze collective mindshifts
and transform cultures. Which is why meme warfare has become the geopolitical battle of our information age. Whoever has the memes has the power.”
-Kalle Lasn
*Memetic warfare: the future of war
“Enculturation” is the process of learning your own group’s culture, and “enculturate” is a transitive verb. So, when an American mother teaches her child to use a fork, she is "enculturating" him.
** “Acculturation”, on the other hand, is the process of taking on ANOTHER group’s culture.
** Rebooting the Mind and Heart to Get at Humanity 2.0 and a Global Convergence (see first comment by Lark)
"Our age has seen priests of the mind teaching that gregarious is the praiseworthy form of thought, and that independent thought is contemptible. It is moreover certain that the group which desires to be strong has no use for a man who claims to think for himself." -Julien Benda, in La Trahison Des Clercs (1927) The Treason of the Intellectuals
Credentialed to Destroy - A Review
The Axemaker's Gift: Technology's Capture and Control of Our Minds and Culture (1997), by Robert Ornstein and James Burke
https://humanjourney.us/tools-and-the-development-of-contemporary-society-section/the-axemakers-gift/ Notice the communitarian solution? 😉
What is Communitarianism?
Is Communitarianism Real?
Who Created Communitarianism?
What do Communitarians Say?
What is Communitarian Law?
Agenda 21
Problem Reaction Solution
Niki's Remix - How Did We Get So Far?