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The Art of Memetics


Updated: Aug 19, 2023

The Art of Memetics

Search: meme theory; memetic engineering; memetic warfare

These are the “things” today’s top tier marketers, political scientists, economists, social scientists, military strategists, and propagandists are hip to so that they can better manipulate people. Since all appeals are to logos, ethos, and/or pathos, it’d do well for us to get hip to these “things” too.

Communitarians – whether they are cognizant of their new label or not – are often unwittingly made a party to such arrangements/schemes. When big money enters the [group] picture you have the makings of largescale [often malevolent] memetic marketing campaigns… that are waged, like warfare, in this, our [media-saturated, Big Data-driven] Information Age.

The following study material is descriptive of the types of thinking that inform modern modus operandi behind successful movements that seemingly appear out of nowhere to take hold of the public mind and imagination. Suddenly we find ourselves...

... in a scientific/humanistic/totalitarian/despotic dictatorship... of the Community.

“Communitarianism is the synthesis, or the merging, of all political and religious opposites under one giant community controlled umbrella. This is the difficulty in finding a label for [Trump] that makes sense. [Trump] embodies all the ideas submerged under communitarianism, including, but not limited to, fascism, corporate capitalism and communism and socialism. It's a continually evolving dictatorship of the community. Standing against communitarian religion, law, and policy is a stand against slavery, racism, eugenics, child porn, human trafficking, mandatory vaccines, land grabs, water grabs and all the other ways and means that destroy human happiness. The big umbrella theory is the Global Emperor's New Clothes. The dialectical pieces we know so well are the smoke screens hiding the naked aggression behind the communitarian veil.”

-Niki Friedrich Raapana

“It was, indeed, the Age of Information, but information was not the precursor to knowledge; it was the tool of the salesman.”

-Earl Shorris, in “A Nation of Salesmen”

“I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television…. You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV set images….”

–Hal Becker, media “expert” and management consultant, the Futures Group, in an interview in 1981

“Potent memes can change minds, alter behavior, catalyze collective mindshifts and transform cultures. Which is why meme warfare has become the geopolitical battle of our information age. Whoever has the memes has the power.”

-Kalle Lasn, author of “Culture Jam”

Tavistock's Language Project: The Origins of "Newspeak"

“Newspeak, then, is communitarian codespeak, now.”


The Art of Memetics

The Art of Memetics – Buy a hard copy on Amazon

The Art of Memetics – Read it for free online

The Art of Memetics

How the 'seed' of an idea (like a tree!) can create a complete ecology

What defines a meme?

The Art of Memetics - Cliff Notes

The Art of Memetics - Videos

The Art of Memetics: Cybernetics

Memes, Memetics, and Marketing

What is the state of the art in terms of using memetics to model human behavior?

Virus of the Mind (Richard Brodie) – Book Summary by Kim Hartman

Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme

The Meme Machine (Susan Blackmore)

Susan Blackmore: Memes and “temes” – TED2008

Susan Blackmore: Memetics does provide a useful way of understanding cultural evolution.

Susan Blackmore: Living without free will

Susan Blackmore – Chapters

The science of memetics – and how it can launch your next big work project


RELIGIONS OF FEAR AND HATE - Meme Theory and Memetics

Memetic Warfare: The Future of War

The Fourth Generation & Memetic Warfare Reading List

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