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Updated: Oct 22, 2024

What is sought... is Man's birthright, his inheritance, his natural endowment. Yet on our watch... it is being squandered, traded away... for the false promise of security.

Freedom = exercise of free will, personal autonomy, freedom of choice, independence

In defining freedom, remember there is "freedom to", "freedom from", and "freedom of" to consider.

Isaiah Berlin

Liberty = locomotion: having the capability of going from point A to point B on one's volition, beneath one's own power without encumbrance - be it mentally or physically

Note that communitarianism is a system of arrested development that denies one privacy and the ability to own property under concomitant communitarian law. It is designed to engender dependence, co-dependence, and/or interdependence.

The cosseting, welcoming embrace of the community beckons you as it sings its siren song. Say-hey, bro, don't you wanna be part of a nice community?

This is the communitarian trap. It's, if you will, tyranny with a smiley face! 😊


The Communitarian Trap

Communitarianism: Tyranny With A Smiley Face

Social Impact Podcast

September 09, 2021

Lynn Davenport / Laurence Cumbie, Lark in Texas


In a sea of “isms” being tossed around, it’s easy to tune out references to marxism, socialism, communism, and fascism. But one school of thought you might not be familiar with is communitarianism

(1). My focus for this episode is not only on the word and definition, but the way it is being implemented at the local level. By definition, communitarianism is a philosophy that emphasizes the connection between the individual and the community.

Communitarianism is based upon the belief that a person’s social identity and personality are largely molded by community relationships, with little emphasis placed on individualism.

Laurence “Lark” Cumbie is a researcher and an expert on communitarianism. He is a retired chef, a serial entrepreneur and businessman in Richardson, Texas. He says communitarianism is all-pervasive in American life and language. This is done through memetic warfare (2) and social engineering brought to us by Big Media and the Department of Defense. We discussed some of the frequently used terms such as equity, sustainability, civil society, and community. The terms sound innocuous, but their potent memes can catalyze collective mindshifts and nudge us towards a desired outcome for those in power. This will ultimately threaten independent thought and eliminate individual rights.

Communitarianism would be insignificant without communitarian law, which is the model and legal underpinning for what has been euphemistically termed the New World Order (3) or the Great Reset (4). Both George H.W. Bush (5) spoke about and H.G. Wells wrote about The New World Order (6). The agenda is immoral, un-American, and anti-life. The overarching threat both globally and locally is depopulation and technoslavery with total war on individuals through biological, spiritual, chemical, non-linear, and socio-economic warfare. You can recognize communitarianism as “tyranny with a smiley face” and remember the acronym G.R.I.N. (genetics, robotics, information, nanotech). Communitarians believe no one should have individual rights.

Communitarianism is pervasive in the education system in public and private schools and universities. The “community schools” model is a classic example of a destructive meme hijacked by communitarians. Our schools will no longer be academic institutions teaching the foundations of learning. Wraparound services will replace the family’s responsibility for providing food, clothing, vaccinations, healthcare, social-emotional learning, and mental health services.

Our elected officials are easily lured into communitarianism and must be exposed for their complicity. Whether dupe or shill, the result is the same.

3) Communitarianism and the New World Order – Lark

5) 1991 - Bush 41 Announces The New World Order

Contact Lark in Texas

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Communitarians insist that rights simply do not exist unaccompanied by duties and responsibilities. (Say what?)

In fact, the individual is little more than a human capital resource... a commercial instrument ... or an article of commerce - an asset or a liability. S/he IS the property... of another... or others - "the community".

We each need a plan, a roadmap, to wind our way out of this puzzlement. At the end of the day... who or what is the final arbiter... the authority? And who decides?


See also: Reversing the Panopticon


These are worthwhile reads that cause one to reconsider prerogatives in life. Questions surrounding one’s definition for happiness and “noble virtue” are crystallized.

Understanding the ancient Greek definitions for eudaimonia and arete could possibly help better plan and prioritize one's thought processes and subsequent day-to-day activities in life upon new reflection.

Are you familiar with the “9 WORDS”? It’s a simple blueprint that one can employ to help prioritize, first, their thinking, and secondly, their activities during the course of their days. It can be taught to a 5-year-old.








  7. LAW (CO[U]NT[E](R)ACT



Remember just 9 words to free yourself from slavespeak and communitarian codespeak. Divided into 3 groupings of 3 words each.


Knowing the definitions for these words helps you determine if you are part of the problem or part of the solution.

Next, 3 more words – COUNTER-ECONOMICS (all peaceful human action which is forbidden by the STATE) – AUTARCHY (implied self ownership, self-rule) – AUTARKY (self-sufficiency)

And, finally, these 3 words: Law (CO[U]NT[E](R)ACT) – WELL-BEING-NESSECONO-ME

(5 Maxims of Law; “Invisible Contracts: Law as Legalized Slavery”, Hegelian dialectic in a nutshell)



All that which is called law – be it natural, universal, scientific, and/or spiritual – is embodied in this one word.

Examples: count, con, counter, act, react, contact, contract. All of life involves contact and contract.



All things which contribute towards well-being that are born of necessity versus all things borne merely of desire

1. On a blank sheet of paper, write at the top, the page title: “WELL-BEING-NESS”

2. Draw a horizontal line across the top of the page below the aforementioned page title

3. Draw a vertical line from the center of the horizontal line down to the bottom of the paper

4. Below the horizontal line, on the left side of the vertical line, write the word “NEEDS”

5. Below the horizontal line, on the right side of the vertical line, write the word “WANTS”

6. See below, and then begin this simple exercise. Revise from time to time as necessary.

The condition of well-being, wellness, comfort, wealth, and/or healthfulness. Also happiness, serenity, harmony, balance, homeostasis, the general perception that life/living is one of abundance. A condition which can ebb and flow, well-being-ness is dependent upon one's ability to combat/overcome feelings of self-doubt, [often false] perceptions of scarcity [lack], and/or fear. Always tend to needs (those things necessary for security and survival) first (e.g. quality nourishment, serviceable shelter, etc.); and wants (those things deemed merely desirous), second.

Only YOU are qualified to define and determine YOUR own condition of well-being-ness!



Source all needful resources, first. Things, born merely of desire, second. Prioritize all daily actions/activities accordingly.

1. On the reverse side of your paper, write at the top this page title: “ECONO-ME”

2. Draw a horizontal line across the top of the page below the aforementioned page title

3. Draw a vertical line from the center of the horizontal line down to the bottom of the paper

4. Below the horizontal line, on the left side of the vertical line, write the words “RESOURCES/SOURCES”

5. Below the horizontal line, on the right side of the vertical line, write the words “ACTIONS/ACTIVITIES”

6. See below, and then begin this simple exercise. Revise from time to time as necessary.

The efficient, ergonomic management of one's own household begins by tending to that which resides inside one's own skin. It combines ingenuity with resourcefulness, instinct with intuition - our natural endowments. Those traits commonly bequeathed to [breathed into] each one of us... through our inheritance... of spirit. Identify needful resources, first, then ready access to them. Actions [activities] necessary to procure [or to maintain] a reliable, unbreakable 'supply chain loop' for these necessary resources, second. Prioritize daily activities accordingly... so as to remain... free to choose... and, above all... independent. Accept personal responsibility for the consequences... of your every thought... and your every deed.

Only YOU are qualified to define how YOUR own personal econo-me is to be ordered!

A contract is either valid or invalid, honorable or dishonorable, private or public. In all cases, choose the former, not the latter. And, one final note, the best contracts are always oral, never written.


7 Required Elements of an Enforceable Contract


An offer is the beginning of a contract. One party must propose an arrangement to the other, including definite terms. For example, if the proposal is an offer to purchase shirts, it must include quantity, price and a delivery date. When the offer is communicated to the other party, he has the right to accept, reject or amend the offer. If he rejects it, the offer dies. If he amends the offer, the original offer dies and his amendments become a new counteroffer that the other party can accept or reject.


An offer can be accepted in writing, in person or over the phone. The acceptance must simply be communicated to the offering party, with an obvious declaration that the accepting party intends to be bound by the buyer's terms. Under the "Mailbox Rule" used in most states, an offer is deemed accepted when the accepting party places it in a mailbox or sends an email, even if the offering party never actually receives it.


Consideration is something of value that the parties are contracting to exchange. Generally, one party exchanges money for property or services, but the parties can both exchange property or services, as long as a court would find that each party's consideration has sufficient value.


Competence, also called legal capacity, is a party's ability to enter into a contract. The most common reason for incompetence is age. A party must be at least 18 years old to enter into a contract. If a minor signs a contract, she has the right to cancel it. Another reason for incapacity is mental illness. A person incapacitated by a disease or disability, who does not understand the terms of a contract he entered, has the right to rescind his acceptance of an offer, voiding the contract. Lastly, a person under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be considered incompetent if the other party knew or should have known that the person's impairment affected his ability to understand and freely consent to the contract.

Mutual Consent

Generally, the law assumes that a competent party freely consents to a contract. However, if consent was obtained on the basis of fraud, due to duress or because of the exercise of undue influence, a party's consent is considered involuntary and the contract is void.


A contract is only enforceable if the activity in the contract is legal. For example, a person cannot contract with someone to commit assault, murder or another criminal act. Additionally, contracts to split lottery winnings in states where gambling is illegal have been delayed unenforceable.


Not all contracts need to be in writing, but under the Statute of Frauds, certain contracts must be in writing in order to be enforceable. A written contract is required for all transactions involving real estate (i.e., lease or sale of a home), any promises to marry, any agreements to pay a third party's debt and any transaction in which performance cannot be completed within one year of the contract signing.

Contract Formation Under the U.C.C.

The U.C.C. does not require a specific manner of expression in order for two parties to enter into an agreement. Under § 2-204, “A contract for the sale of goods may be made in any manner sufficient to show agreement, including offer and acceptance, conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a contract” and other means. The revised version of the U.C.C., as approved in 2003, also allows a contract to be formed through the interaction of “electronic agents,” which include computer programs that may initiate a transaction without human review.

5 Maxims of Law

1. Every man is presumed to intend the natural and probable consequences of his own voluntary acts.

2. He who seeks the benefit must stand to the burden.

3. The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract.

4. The agreement of the parties overrides the law.

5. No injury is done by things long acquiesced in because long sufferance is construed as consent.


A Better Word than Happiness: Eudaimonia

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